I have another home brewer to add to my list of friends, or would it be a friend to add to my list of home brewers? Either way, last Saturday we all toasted and enjoyed his summer red raspberry beer. The beer was a lovely pink color, almost that of ripe grapefruit flesh. The beer was refreshing, slightly tart and perfect for summer. Rather than using raspberry flavor or syrup as many are wont to do, he used a pound of fresh macerated raspberries in muslin and immersed them in his beer (I'm not exactly sure at what stage in the process, but if you really want to know I'll get you the recipe). This was by far the best tasting raspberry beer that I have ever had, and it is also the perfect beer for summer. The flavor of the fresh berries was a compliment to the beer and the absence of artificial sweetness let the flavors of the beer and berries mingle to create a tart, but not bitter end note. Lifting the glass to my nose, I could even smell the raspberries. I'm glad that I know such talented people, and that I can drink to their success. What is your perfect summer beer?