Wednesday, September 5, 2012


*Image by karsayk

So, I've been helping out on deck with my school's water polo team.  It has been pretty fun getting to know the girls on the team and to have them look up to me because I'm an athlete.  My polo team was actually invited to play in the local high school tournament in order to help fill spots and to mentor other teams in the water.  It's really a fun experience to get in with girls who are learning and to help teach them the game.  Today I got in the water with my high school girls, which was great - until I learned that there was no shower at the pool.  They are practicing at a local community pool because one of our huge district swim complexes is getting a new deck and is closed for a few months.  No shower?  To top it all off I had a meeting before school today.  I planned for a laid-back ponytail, but not the accompanying chlorine scent.  I managed to wash my hair in the tiny sink to make due, but will reconsider getting in the pool again on Thursday.  Waking up at 5 a.m. surely deserves a wake-up shower.  Don't you think?

1 comment:

Mrs. Fischer: said...

You are so dedicated! They are lucky to have you!

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