Tuesday, December 21, 2010


*Image & instructions via Apartment Therapy

While pulling into my driveway the other day I couldn't help but notice that we're one of the houses on the block with nary a holiday decoration on display. When I saw how easy it would be to create this swag of ornaments I was inspired. Now that we have a tree in the living room it's starting to feel like the holidays, we may as well show our spirit to the neighbors too. Do you decorate your home for the holidays?


Milda said...

Dad put one string of colored lights on the rail of the deck. Pathetic. BUT, I must NOT complain. If I took a picture and sent it to you, it would be the laugh for the day.

love-v said...

I love that it was dad - decorating the house. That just makes it even better. I can imagine his precision too.

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