Wednesday, March 31, 2010


*Image by * Beezy *

When my husband is gone I eat junk. Dinner yesterday could have easily have been popcorn as far as I was concerned. We both cook, but when I am alone I have nothing to prove. There is no one to wow with my culinary skills, I only have to sustain myself. I've grabbed something on the fly only to hear Trevor say, "that isn't dinner" or "that doesn't count." So, I skipped the junk and made quesadillas. That counts as dinner, right?


Milda said...

The current Real Simple 10th anniversary issue has a page devoted to reader poll results for 3 question categories, one of which is "What is the weirdest thing you've eaten for dinner in the name of saving time?" Not quite your situation, but hilarious nonetheless - one of my faves: "A beer and a pudding cup" - but also listed is - One bag of MW popcorn and 2 peanut butter cups. Last but not least - Rice with Heinz 57 sauce.

love-v said...

Yeah, I had all of the time in the world but none of the motivation...

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