Thursday, January 6, 2011


*Image by taoᵒ

This week I started training with a local masters swimming group. Although I really enjoy water polo, it isn't quite the same as good ol' swim team. I have an option to swim four days a week, great especially for a procrastinator like me. The biggest bonus is that unlike most masters groups, we practice in the evenings. I am not a morning swim person, never have been. Now, I need to work on winding down in the evenings. Has your new year included a new exercise routine?


Milda said...

So far, interval aerobics on Tuesday and Spinning yesterday. Tonight it's Strong. What is new is 3 consecutive days. Also have been walking about 30-35 minutes total daily, stairs included. Trying out a calorie counting website that analyzes my food entries and recipes (scolds me) - dropped 1-1/2 of those nasty holiday pounds, so something is working.

love-v said...

That is awesome! Isn't it a great feeling to see all of that hard work pay off?

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