Tuesday, November 30, 2010
If I were in Idaho, this is what I would be doing today. My mom said she was going to sled down the driveway to the car and I'm jealous. Maybe next week when I go to Dallas I'll see some snow. Haven't seen snow in two winters now.
Monday, November 29, 2010
Usually a Seattle winter includes much gray, drizzle and cold. This year instead of rain they got snow for Thanksgiving. I know not everyone was happy to be home bound, due to the cold, but a week off can't be all that bad. My week off is over and I am headed back to work with the children. I can't say I am excited to be up early this morning, but I can also begin my countdown to winter break. It was fantastic seeing my family and hanging out with friends, now I have writing cards, wrapping gifts, and mailing packages to look forward to. What does your December have in store?
Friday, November 26, 2010
Happy birthday little brother. Hope California is treating you well. Hope someone baked you a pie or put a candle in something else wonderful to eat.
Thursday, November 25, 2010
Today is a good day to reflect on all of the things that make your life worthwhile. I am grateful for such an awesome group of friends and family who constantly remind me why my life is good. I am glad to be greeted on a daily basis by snorts and wiggles from the bulldog (not the husband). I am lucky to have a beautiful home to live in, even if the location is far away from the beautiful Northwest. I have my health, I have everything I want and need, and I am loved. What are you thankful for?
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Having two pies in your house, freshly baked and not being able to eat them. That is akin to torture. We're pre-making much of our Thanksgiving meal so that tomorrow is less grueling and daunting, but that doesn't make me salivate any less when I see a pie sitting on the table. What is your favorite Thanksgiving dish?
Tuesday, November 23, 2010

*Movie in theaters now!
Last night I spent an evening out at the movies. Harry Potter and a pitcher of butter beer? You got it! My viewing experience was enhanced by seeing our flick at the Alamo Drafthouse, which is a theater plus a full service restaurant all in one place. The movie was full of beautiful interesting scenery and, I believe, did a good job staying true to the novel. I can now see why they chose to split everything into two films and agree with the decision. Not really a spoiler, but I sure am glad that there wasn't a thriller to-be continued ending to keep me on edge until July. Are you a fan?
Monday, November 22, 2010
Today my parents are flying in for another visit. Last year they came for Thanksgiving and it was a blast. This year we have more to show them and they get to sleep in an actual bed! (The bed we ordered last year was delivered on the day they left...) I am so happy to be able to host my parents and to give them a break from all that they do. I can't wait to see them both today. Who will you be spending the holiday with?
Saturday, November 20, 2010
As the holidays approach I often think of my brother and his view of Christmas trees. His birthday is usually on or just after Thanksgiving and when the holiday decorations come out I remember him urging us all to plant a tree for Christmas instead of cutting one down. I wonder if he would appreciate his own little tree in a sustainable bamboo pot? He should be going home for the holiday, but I think he'd dig that I was inspired by him. Do you cut down a Christmas tree or assemble one from a box?
Friday, November 19, 2010

*Image by masone
What a week, and now a break. I can't wait to sleep in and read books and hang out with my folks and eat pie. I have a bunch of great things to be thankful for this year, I should start writing them down. What is on your list?
Thursday, November 18, 2010
*Image & chocolate via Komforte Chockolates
Today I am in need of some comfort. I'm currently slacking off in a planning meeting because my lunch is two minutes away. All I can think about right now is chocolate and happy hour. Thank goodness I just have to get through one more day of teaching before I have a week of vacation. Yes, you read that correctly - I have a whole week off for Thanksgiving. What more could a girl want?
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
I have got to change my mindset. Only three more days of work until I get a nice break to hang out with my parents while they are in town. Man, do I need to clean my house. Right now I'm still shuffling around the house trying to ease my sore quads as my muscles remind me of what I did to them on Sunday morning. I can't be a whiner, I have to stop being lazy, I have to clean my house. What is your least favorite household chore?
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
I've wanted a pair of boots in my wardrobe for a while. If these boots were a table saw, I know my husband would have had them ages ago. I think that these mid-calf boots are pretty sensible, cute and they're comfortable too. Now, I just have to find them on sale or convince my husband that I need yet another pair of shoes.
Monday, November 15, 2010

*Image by Trevor Jorgensen
I did it! I finished. I even came in close to my original goal time at 2:21:19. My estimated time running is closer to 2:15 though because I had to stand in line for a potty break (thank goodness they had those!) Today I am sore but proud, wearing my race shirt to school to hobble around with a grin on my face. Thank you for the encouragement, there were so many of you on the course with me.
Sunday, November 14, 2010
Race Day

*Image by Y.X.L
Today is the day. My first ever 1/2 marathon. I'm excited and I know that I am ready. While you read this I am probably nervously chatting with the other people in my corral (apparently tens of thousands of people run this race). While I am out there on the road I wanted to let several people know that they inspired me and that I will be thinking of them:
Laura got me thinking that I could even do such a distance and inspired me to run further.
Josh and Julie wake up at the crack of dawn to make it to two spinning classes in a row, on weekends even. They will be present in my early morning endorphin surge.
Ryan would have already completed his race if it wasn't for that stupid foot injury, I'll run this for you too.
Sondra completed her first triathlon this summer after an amazing transformation, I'll think of her anytime I'm headed uphill and will keep running.
John was my first ever running buddy and is always uplifting and good for a laugh, when my ipod streams out amusing songs that make me smile it's him.
Mary is a fighter and always pushes through her toughest battles and will remind me to fight.
Lea Anne is a sounding board and the voice of perseverance I'll hear her pushing me toward the end, knowing that I can make it.
Karen has gone 60 miles, more than once, she'd kick my butt if I couldn't make a measly 13.1.
Colleen is my cheerleader she is consistently encouraging me in my efforts and reminding me to have fun, I'll see her in the crowd along the course.
Sandra might actually be out there cheering - a real live fan! I couldn't ask for more.
My Mom has been to almost every race I've competed in over the course of my 30 years. She'll be getting my mile by mile updates and I want to continue to make her proud.
Trevor will be waiting to cheer me through the finish, and has helped me get there over the past five months of training.
Thirteen inspiring people, one for each mile. I can't wait to finish.
Saturday, November 13, 2010
Five months of early Saturday mornings. Mornings that started out sweltering and are now pleasant and chilly. This is the first Saturday I can recall sleeping in since before summer started. It was good to lounge and feel rested, too bad all of my good sleep still ended before 7 o'clock, just in time for what would have been my morning run. Race day is tomorrow. Can you believe it?
Friday, November 12, 2010
I have been looking forward to today since my Out of Print shirts came in the mail. Today I get to wear my new shirt and strut around proudly like the literary geek I am. Not only that, I will have a proud partner in crime. We're even putting together an Outsiders care package for another teacher so we have three shirt wearing fellows in our little club. Do you get to wear fun shirts on Fridays?
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Kate Spade just put out their gift guide and this thermos stuck out right away. It's pretty, can you blame me? I wouldn't mind some of the other items featured on the list, don't get me wrong. I guess I'm just a practical gal. Have you made a holiday wish list? What's on it?
Wednesday, November 10, 2010

*Image & card by Creativity Cards
It seems as though bellies all around me are expanding and sprouting bumps. When I look at the kids in my classroom I have no idea how these women at school can even think of having children. I think I would go insane if I were to try to teach and deal with pregnancy hormones and changes. More power to those ladies who can stick it out and waddle up and down the hallways each and every day. Hopefully they have some glorious maternity leave to look forward to. Don't get all excited - no bump in my future - not for quite a while. How do they do it?
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Ok, I get the savings now. If I want to be well rested and take advantage of the newfound energy I experienced yesterday I need to get to bed sooner. I found myself distracted in front of the computer and stayed up too late. Now I'm tired. Daylight savings should encourage me to go to bed earlier because it's nice and dark outside. How do you manage the change?
Monday, November 8, 2010
It was glorious to have an extra hour of sleep and to wake up feeling refreshed this morning. How do you feel?
Sunday, November 7, 2010
Now that my husband has finally finished his car stereo project (after working for over 600 hours) he needs something else to keep him busy. He likes the idea of wood working so I suggested he start with an upholstered bench for our bedroom. This seems like a nice easy project to start out with, and I wouldn't mind paying well under the $400 Pottery Barn is charging (not to mention benefiting from my husband's meticulous hard work). I even found a great tutorial so that I could help out and that we could work together. To what lengths are you willing to DIY?
Saturday, November 6, 2010
Today was the last official group run before next Sunday's race and it felt good and fast. Maybe the group was running more slowly than normal, but I think I was running faster. I never thought I would be the type of person to utter, "only 5 miles" but that phrase actually came out of my mouth today. I can't believe how much stronger I feel now in comparison with my first 10k group run this summer. Next weekend is going to be great. What have you done to give you a feeling of accomplishment lately?
Friday, November 5, 2010
With family coming to town to see our new house for the first time I want to make a great first impression and set a beautiful Thanksgiving table. We were given a gorgeous linen table cloth for our wedding, but I love the fun designs, table runners and napkins available on Etsy. The internet has a wealth of great accessories for the tabletop. Now I have to narrow down my favorites. Any pointers for setting a lovely, welcoming table?
Wednesday, November 3, 2010

I finally caved in and bought some true English teacher apparel. I now have two book-themed shirts headed my way. I'll have to wait for this beauty, but I do love the new Mikey Burton designs. The best part is that I get to wear these with a nice pair of jeans on Fridays, or with fun slacks or a skirt any other day of the week. I'm such a geek, this is a culmination of two previous posts. Books I like and clothing. I can dig it. Which piece of literature would you proudly wear?
Tuesday, November 2, 2010

When your husband sends you a groupon for a massage or a facial, it's him telling you to go ahead and purchase one for yourself - right? That was my interpretation when I got the very same e-mail in my in box today. Don't mind if I do. Now I have something fun and relaxing to look forward to when my mom comes to town. How do you treat yourself to relaxation?
Monday, November 1, 2010
I've been searching for some cool round mirrors for a while now. Lo and behold, there are plenty to choose from in the new West Elm Catalog. I'm feeling inspired to add a few more decorations to the house now that we've got some company to look forward to. These mirrors also caught my eye because of the striking blue wall on which they hang (very similar to my living room). What are your favorite final touches in a room?
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