Saturday, April 28, 2012


*Images via Gilt Group

This dress went on sale and I second guessed myself and then it was out of stock.  I then promptly kicked myself and went on the wait list with the hopes that I might just get lucky.  You see, I already had another option hanging in my closet to wear in an upcoming wedding and I wasn't totally sold on it.  When I got the e-mail that this dress was available I jumped on it, now I'm so glad I did because not only does it fit, quite frankly, I love it.  A little more sophisticated and you can't beat the fact that the dress has pockets!  The color is blueberry and the line running through my head is "Violet, you're turning violet!"  Ahhh, blueberry pie for dessert.  Now all I need are some shoes.  What do you think of this blueberry dress?


Milda said...

It's lovely, and you will look fabulous!

Sub Radar (Mike) said...

Excellent buy! Are you going to wear similar heels, as well?

confictushome said...

depends on the hem line, if it's as short as the picture good lord! No daughter of mine..... mumblemumblemumble.

love-v said...

When you have a grown up daughter you will have taught her well. I, on the other hand, will rock the short dress (in front of my father nonetheless & Colleen's scarier father too - so daring!)

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