Monday, September 12, 2011


*Image & print by Slow Industries

I think that this poster makes a good point.  I would much rather have ice cream, especially if the alternative is darkness & chaos.  I've been daydreaming about the decorations I'm going to put up for my party.  I was thinking I might even go for an ice cream cone shaped pinata.  I know that I am in the land of pinatas, and could probably find one shaped like an ice cream cone - but it might just not be what I am looking for.  I know I need to find waffle cones and fun dishes.  I wonder if I could go to an ice cream parlor and buy fresh waffle cones on Saturday?  I would make them myself, but all I have is a Belgian waffle maker, and I'm not sure it would make cones.  Any essential party accessories you recommend? 


Milda said...

Your Belgian waffle maker can make a Belgian cookie for ice cream sandwiches. Want my recipe? I also have another recipe for these without using waffles, pre-made and frozen ahead of time. OR, do you want a krumcake press to make your own cones? Hmmmm.

Milda said...

Just had to share 2 new recipes I found in my newly delivered FOOD & WINE trial: Snickers Ice Cream Milk
AND Hazelnut, Nutella and Caramel Ice Cream Sandwiches -

love-v said...

Why are you taunting me with hazelnuts & Nutella? You're not being nice at all!

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