Sunday, August 21, 2011


*Image & Postcup by Bailey Doesn't Bark

What a clever idea - a letter that you write on a mug. I like this format for a constant reminder of your love, of who you are missing, of who is thinking of you along with your morning coffee or tea. It seems simple enough, but this is something I can see making and sending. I want to get my hands on one of those porcelaine pens! Is it the idea of the letter that makes this mug special, or is this just another cheesy gift?


confictushome said...

I saw those pens and my only thought was that these would make for some next level graffiti. A pen torch to heat up the porcelain and just try to get my tag off your toilet.

love-v said...

Ok, a graffiti artist dedicated enough to bring along a torch (would the garden variety creme brule torch work?) is beyond me. I do think that a decorated toilet could be a novelty that no one has dared yet.

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